
Friday, January 4, 2013

Case Study Snooping Coherence Protocol Implementation

The snooping coherence describe coherence at an abstract level, but hide many essential details and implicitly assume atomic access to the shared bus to provide correct operation. High-performance snooping systems use one or more pipelined, switched interconnects that greatly
improve bandwidth but introduce significant complexity due to transient states and nonatomic transactions. This case study examines a high-performance snooping system, loosely modeled on the Sun E6800, where multiple processor and memory nodes are connected by separate switched address and data networks.

The system organization (middle) with enlargements of a single processor node (left) and a  memory module (right). Like most high performance shared-memory systems, this system provides multiple memory modules to increase memory bandwidth. The processor nodes contain a CPU, cache, and a cache controller that implements the coherence protocol. The CPU issues read and write requests to the cache controller over the REQUEST bus and sends/receives data over the DATA bus. The cache controller services these  requests locally, (i.e., on cache hits) and on a miss issues a coherence request (e.g., GetShared to request a read-only copy, GetModified to get an exclusive copy) by sending it to the address network via the ADDR_OUT queue. The address network uses a broadcast tree to make sure that all nodes see all coherence
requests in a total order. All nodes, including the requesting node, receive this request in the same order (but not necessarily the same cycle) on the ADDR_IN queue. This total order is essential to ensure that all cache controllers act in concert to maintain coherency. The protocol ensures that at most one node responds, sending a data message on the separate, unordered point-to-point data network

1 comment:

  1. plz post concept fault tolerant computer system and hot/add /remove and domain partioning in advanced computer architecture
