
Thursday, October 4, 2012

ME LECTURE NOTES-- Queueing analysis

ME LECTURE NOTES-- Queueing analysis

In queueing theory, a queueing model is used to approximate a real queueing situation or system, so the queueing behaviour can be analysed mathematically. Queueing models allow a number of useful steady state performance measures to be determined, including:

  • the average number in the queue, or the system,
  • the average time spent in the queue, or the system,
  • the statistical distribution of those numbers or times,
  • the probability the queue is full, or empty, and
  • the probability of finding the system in a particular state.

These performance measures are important as issues or problems caused by queueing situations are often related to customer dissatisfaction with service or may be the root cause of economic losses in a business. Analysis of the relevant queueing models allows the cause of queueing issues to be identified and the impact of any changes that might be wanted to be assessed.


Queueing models can be represented using Kendall's notation:



  • A is the interarrival time distribution
  • B is the service time distribution
  • S is the number of servers
  • K is the system capacity
  • N is the calling population
  • Disc is the service discipline assumed

Some standard notation for distributions (A or B) are:

  • M for a Markovian (exponential) distribution
  • Eκ for an Erlang distribution with κ phases
  • D for Deterministic (constant)
  • G for General distribution
  • PH for a Phase-type distribution


Construction and analysis

Queueing models are generally constructed to represent the steady state of a queueing system, that is, the typical, long run or average state of the system. As a consequence, these are stochastic models that represent the probability that a queueing system will be found in a particular configuration or state.

A general procedure for constructing and analysing such queueing models is:

  1. Identify the parameters of the system, such as the arrival rate, service time, Queue capacity, and perhaps draw a diagram of the system.
  2. Identify the system states. (A state will generally represent the integer number of customers, people, jobs, calls, messages, etc. in the system and may or may not be limited.)
  3. Draw a state transition diagram that represents the possible system states and identify the rates to enter and leave each state. This diagram is a representation of a Markov chain.
  4. Because the state transition diagram represents the steady state situation between state there is a balanced flow between states so the probabilities of being in adjacent states can be related mathematically in terms of the arrival and service rates and state probabilities.
  5. Express all the state probabilities in terms of the empty state probability, using the inter-state transition relationships.
  6. Determine the empty state probability by using the fact that all state probabilities always sum to 1.

Whereas specific problems that have small finite state models are often able to be analysed numerically, analysis of more general models, using calculus, yields useful formulae that can be applied to whole classes of problems.

Single-server queue

Single-server queues are, perhaps, the most commonly encountered queueing situation in real life. One encounters a queue with a single server in many situations, including business (e.g. sales clerk), industry (e.g. a production line), transport (e.g. a bus, a taxi rank, an intersection), telecommunications (e.g. Telephone line), computing (e.g. processor sharing). Even where there are multiple servers handling the situation it is possible to consider each server individually as part of the larger system, in many cases. (e.g A supermarket checkout has several single server queues that the customer can select from.) Consequently, being able to model and analyse a single server queue's behaviour is a particularly useful thing to do.

Poisson arrivals and service

M/M/1// represents a single server that has unlimited queue capacity and infinite calling population, both arrivals and service are Poisson (or random) processes, meaning the statistical distribution of both the inter-arrival times and the service times follow the exponential distribution. Because of the mathematical nature of the exponential distribution, a number of quite simple relationships are able to be derived for several performance measures based on knowing the arrival rate and service rate.

This is fortunate because, an M/M/1 queuing model can be used to approximate many queuing situations.

Poisson arrivals and general service

M/G/1// represents a single server that has unlimited queue capacity and infinite calling population, while the arrival is still Poisson process, meaning the statistical distribution of the inter-arrival times still follow the exponential distribution, the distribution of the service time does not. The distribution of the service time may follow any general statistical distribution, not just exponential. Relationships are still able to be derived for a (limited) number of performance measures if one knows the arrival rate and the mean and variance of the service rate. However the derivations a generally more complex.

A number of special cases of M/G/1 provide specific solutions that give broad insights into the best model to choose for specific queueing situations because they permit the comparison of those solutions to the performance of an M/M/1 model.

Multiple-servers queue

Multiple (identical)-servers queue situations are frequently encountered in telecommunications or a customer service environment. When modelling these situations care is needed to ensure that it is a multiple servers queue, not a network of single server queues, because results may differ depending on how the queuing model behaves.

One observational insight provided by comparing queuing models is that a single queue with multiple servers performs better than each server having their own queue and that a single large pool of servers performs better than two or more smaller pools, even though there are the same total number of servers in the system.

One simple example to prove the above fact is as follows: Consider a system having 8 input lines, single queue and 8 servers.The output line has a capacity of 64 kbit/s. Considering the arrival rate at each input as 2 packets/s. So, the total arrival rate is 16 packets/s. With an average of 2000 bits per packet, the service rate is 64 kbit/s/2000b = 32 packets/s. Hence, the average response time of the system is 1/(μ-λ) = 1/(32-16) = 0.0667 sec. Now, consider a second system with 8 queues, one for each server. Each of the 8 output lines has a capacity of 8 kbit/s. The calculation yields the response time as 1/(μ-λ) = 1/(4-2) = 0.5 sec. And the average waiting time in the queue in the first case is ρ/(1-ρ)μ = 0.25, while in the second case is 0.03125.

Infinitely many servers

While never exactly encountered in reality, an infinite-servers (e.g. M/M/) model is a convenient theoretical model for situations that involve storage or delay, such as parking lots, warehouses and even atomic transitions. In these models there is no queue, as such, instead each arriving customer receives service. When viewed from the outside, the model appears to delay or store each customer for some time.

Queueing System Classification

With Little's Theorem, we have developed some basic understanding of a queueing system. To further our understanding we will have to dig deeper into characteristics of a queueing system that impact its performance. For example, queueing requirements of a restaurant will depend upon factors like:

  • How do customers arrive in the restaurant? Are customer arrivals more during lunch and dinner time (a regular restaurant)? Or is the customer traffic more uniformly distributed (a cafe)?
  • How much time do customers spend in the restaurant? Do customers typically leave the restaurant in a fixed amount of time? Does the customer service time vary with the type of customer?
  • How many tables does the restaurant have for servicing customers?

The above three points correspond to the most important characteristics of a queueing system. They are explained below:

Arrival Process
  • The probability density distribution that determines the customer arrivals in the system.
  • In a messaging system, this refers to the message arrival probability distribution.
Service Process
  • The probability density distribution that determines the customer service times in the system.
  • In a messaging system, this refers to the message transmission time distribution. Since message transmission is directly proportional to the length of the message, this parameter indirectly refers to the message length distribution. 
Number of Servers
  • Number of servers available to service the customers.
  • In a messaging system, this refers to the number of links between the source and destination nodes.

Based on the above characteristics, queueing systems can be classified by the following convention:


Where A is the arrival process, S is the service process and n is the number of servers. A and S are can be any of the following:

M (Markov)
Exponential probability density
D (Deterministic)
All customers have the same value
G (General)
Any arbitrary probability distribution 


Examples of queueing systems that can be defined with this convention are:

  • M/M/1: This is the simplest queueing system to analyze. Here the arrival and service time are negative exponentially distributed (poisson process). The system consists of only one server. This queueing system can be applied to a wide variety of problems as any system with a very large number of independent customers can be approximated as a Poisson process. Using a Poisson process for service time however is not applicable in many applications and is only a crude approximation. Refer to M/M/1 Queueing System for details.
  • M/D/n: Here the arrival process is poisson and the service time distribution is deterministic. The system has n servers. (e.g. a ticket booking counter with n cashiers.) Here the service time can be assumed to be same for all customers)
  • G/G/n: This is the most general queueing system where the arrival and service time processes are both arbitrary. The system has n servers. No analytical solution is known for this queueing system.  

Markovian arrival processes

In queuing theory, Markovian arrival processes are used to model the arrival customers to queue.

Some of the most common include the Poisson process, Markovian arrival process and the batch Markovian arrival process.

Markovian arrival processes has two processes. A continuous-time Markov process j(t), a Markov process which is generated by a generator or rate matrix, Q. The other process is a counting process N(t),
which has state space
is the set of all natural numbers). N(t) increases every time there is a transition in j(t) which marked.

Poisson process

The Poisson arrival process or Poisson process counts the number of arrivals, each of which has a exponentially distributed time between arrival. In the most general case this can be represented by the rate matrix,

Markov arrival process

The Markov arrival process (MAP) is a generalisation of the Poisson process by having non-exponential distribution sojourn between arrivals. The homogeneous case has rate matrix,

Little's law

In queueing theory, Little's result, theorem, lemma, or law says:

The average number of customers in a stable system (over some time interval), N, is equal to their average arrival rate, λ, multiplied by their average time in the system, T, or:

Although it looks intuitively reasonable, it's a quite remarkable result, as it implies that this behavior is entirely independent of any of the detailed probability distributions involved, and hence requires no assumptions about the schedule according to which customers arrive or are serviced, or whether they are served in the order in which they arrive.

It is also a comparatively recent result - it was first proved by John Little, an Institute Professor and the Chair of Management Science at the MIT Sloan School of Management, in 1961.

Handily his result applies to any system, and particularly, it applies to systems within systems. So in a bank, the queue might be one subsystem, and each of the tellers another subsystem, and Little's result could be applied to each one, as well as the whole thing. The only requirement is that the system is stable -- it can't be in some transition state such as just starting up or just shutting down.

Mathematical formalization of Little's theorem

Let α(t) be to some system in the interval [0, t]. Let β(t) be the number of departures from the same system in the interval [0, t]. Both α(t) and β(t) are integer valued increasing functions by their definition. Let Tt be the mean time spent in the system (during the interval [0, t]) for all the customers who were in the system during the interval [0, t]. Let Nt be the mean number of customers in the system over the duration of the interval [0, t].

If the following limits exist,

 and, further, if λ = δ then Little's theorem holds, the limit
exists and is given by Little's theorem,

Ideal Performance

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